Jul 6, 2023

A Chance to Shine

Yes, Austin Lakes RS. is offering you another “chance to shine” (or just have a good day sailing) with a ranking DF65 interclub shootout on Saturday the 15th of July, just over a week away.


These events are good fun for all, an opportunity to meet and sometimes learn from someone new, so click the link below and come along to represent your club.

Please register NOW!

Warning signal for first race: 1300 hours

Racing concludes: No heat will commence after 1600 hours

The ADFRSA Class Association Fee of $5.00 will be collected at the event by an Assoc. Rep.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day.

Dave Woodcock

ALRS Secretary 


There is an IGA for food and drink opposite the lake with a café attached and parking is in the playground car park as on map below.
