Sailing Times

Sunday (weekly) 

Times vary from 12:30 (please check our club calender at



Champion Lakes Regatta Centre, Henley Drive, Kelmscott 


Classes Sailed

IOM, Marblehead & Ten Rater Classes



\Champion Lakes\Champion LakesChampion Lakes Radio Sailors are a sub group of the Champion Lakes Boating Club Inc sailing on the best waters in WA, the Champion Lakes Regatta Centre in Kelmscott.

Sailing is conducted every Sunday, year round, with start times from 12:30pm depending on classes sailed. We recommend you visit our website for full details of scheduled sailing.

We sail three classes, the International One Metre (IOM) are sailed every Sunday, with a Club Championship sailed once per month, a Handicap Championship sailed once per month, and the other 2 or 3 Sundays are just general racing while the International Marblehead & International Ten Rater (10R) sail a twice monthly with a Club Championship sailed once a month.

We are a competitive, but relaxed club, so why not join us - new members are most welcome.