Lake Douglas

Use of Lake Douglas for any reason other than a club sanctioned event is NOT PERMITTED.

RSAWA members access to Lake Douglas in South Perth is permitted under strict conditions. All RSAWA members sailing in club events  MUST limit their entry into the water to specifically LAUNCHING and RETRIEVING their boat only. Once a boat is launched, the skipper MUST exit the water immediately. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any RSAWA member remain standing in the water whilst sailing their boat.


Website Access

This site contains several sections that are only accessible to RSAWA Members.

To access these sections (and make them visible) you need login with your Username Password

If you do not have a Username & Password, or have forgotten, then email the RSAWA secretary with your details, and request access. Once logged in, A new menu called USER DETAILS allows you to change your password to something easier to remember.

Also, there may be certain articles on the front page of the website that are only relevant to members. These may include notices of the AGM, etc.

Once again, this information will only be visible to logged in members.


Contact Details

RSAWA, and your club, rely on accurate contact information of its members, so that it may email or post out information. If you change any details (eg address, email address, etc) then, advise your club, the RSAWA Secretary and the RSAWA Webmaster of the changes.


Online Event Entry

RSAWA now allows all events to be entered online.

The Online Entries link will show you a list of events open for entry. When selecting the Online Entries link, you will be presented with a list of all available events. Select the event you want to enter, and complete the details. Your entry will be emailed to the Event Organiser, and a copy of the event will be emailed to yourself. Note, you MUST be logged in to enter online.