Sailing Times

Wednesday 10.30am - 3.00pm; Thursday 2.00pm - 5.00pm; Saturday 2.00pm - 5.00pm



Jackadder Lake, Birchwood Ave, Doubleview - primary location

South Perth Foreshore Lake, Douglas Ave, South Perth - last Saturday of the month

Maylands Yacht Club, East St, Maylands


Classes Sailed

International One Metre, Ten Rater, A Class, Dragonflite 95,



Commodore: Bruce Quail

Secretary: Lloyd Coles:

Club Email:




At Perth Radio Sailing Club we welcome visitors from other radio sailing clubs, yacht clubs and the general public.

If you haven't radio sailed before and you would like to give it ago, talk to our members at the lake or email us and we will see if we can accommodate a demonstration sail for you.

We sail the International One Metre, International Ten Rater, the International A Class and the DragonFlite 95 - so there is something for everyone.

We sail on Wednesdays from 10.30am, Thursdays from 2pm, and Saturdays from 2pm, at either Jackadder Lake, Woodlands, or at the South Perth foreshore near Douglas Avenue.

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